Ben Holliday

Head of User Experience at DWPdigital

Thu 25 May, 2017, 14:00

Leading Service Design

Kate Tarling and Ben Holliday will lead a practical workshop introducing service design through the lens of the UK government and the digital by default service standard.

This session is ideal for people who want to move to a service design focussed approach in large or complex organisations. Kate and Ben will share how they’ve led and established service design within their own organisations, and the challenges they’ve faced. This will cover moving from more traditional UX approaches and a “digital” only focus, to the design of end-to-end services across different channels.

During the workshop you will learn skills, and techniques including:

  • How to talk about service design in your organisation
  • How to identify, describe, and name services, using a simple method and taxonomy
  • How to lead and focus a team around user needs and how to deliver measurable outcomes
  • How to approach the design of complex end-to-end services, across multiple channels 
  • Visual tools for communicating complex services effectively

By the end of the workshop, you should be equipped with just enough knowledge to get started with leading service design within your own organisation, or to apply new techniques to your work.

About Ben Holliday

Ben has over 15 years experience working on products and services. Working extensively with not-for-profit, charity and arts organisations, as well as startups. He has spent the last 3 years working in the UK government, most recently leading the design team at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Ben has spent much of his career making sure that user research is a part of the design process wherever he's worked. More recently he’s been especially interested in helping establish design leadership within large organisations, looking at how design can influence company culture and ultimately the products and services we deliver.

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